This story is 30 years old
“This story is 30 years old – I had my 1st child in 1992 when I was 29 years old. Not one professional asked me how I was feeling. I was sent home with the standard info on baby sleeping position, and how to care for my episiotomy and told to make an appointment in 6 weeks with the OB.
I was lucky that my daughter was a full-term, big baby (9 lbs 5 oz) with no health issues. Yet, here I was, crying myself to sleep after breastfeeding her. I was too ashamed to ask for help since it looked like I should be “happy” since I was so blessed. Looking back, I should have told someone, something. I suffered and struggled alone and it saddens me to this day when I think of that time.
My advice to all of you beautiful, strong, capable women who are struggling is to ask for help. Call the doctor and insist to be seen ASAP to discuss your options to address your feelings and your physiological symptoms. Call someone you love to tell them how you’re feeling – maybe they can accompany you to the doctor’s appointment for support!
As a postpartum doula, I am trained to screen women for PMADs and to offer resources to support them. As a woman and a mother, my goal is to encourage individuals to listen to their inner voice, exercise self-care and ask for help.”
– Sarah B., @Sarah_Burke_PPD