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The Motherhood Center’s Hidden Gem

A ‘Baby Whisperer’ with 20+ Years of Experience

By Heather Morgan Shott

I’m feeding a baby the last few sips of his late afternoon bottle, gently rocking him as he eats. His mom is standing in front of me, happy tears streaming down her face. It’s her first day in The Motherhood Center’s Day Program, and she’s never seen her baby so alert and engaged. She concludes that the extra ounce of formula that Teresa Baran, the on-site Nursery Director, recommended for the baby’s feedings is responsible. “He was just hungry!” the mom cries. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” I tear up, incredibly moved by the moment. Teresa gives me the credit for feeding the baby, but here’s the thing: Everything we do in the nursery is a result of Teresa’s expert direction. I may have fed the baby his bottles that day, but Teresa made the suggestion that led us to this very special moment.

The Motherhood Center’s on-site nursery with moms and their babies.

In the last seven months that I’ve volunteered at the nursery, I’ve come to realize that Teresa —who holds a master’s degree in German studies and has 20+ years of experience working with children from birth to adolescence — is TMC’s unsung hero. While specialized psychiatrists and therapists are treating moms/birthing people with an expertly designed program that encompasses medication management and individual and group therapy, Teresa is quietly behind the scenes deftly managing the other major obstacle that new parents with PMADs face: learning how to care for their baby while struggling to survive themselves, and having access to expert childcare while fighting for their recovery. It’s powerful, comprehensive care, and the transformations I’ve witnessed are nothing short of miraculous.

In fact, I’m a mom with two children, ages 9 and 13, and I had severe perinatal anxiety during my first pregnancy. I acutely remember my painful struggle (sadly, TMC hadn’t yet opened). Having access to everything The Day Program provides – including Teresa’s expertise – would have been life-changing for my husband and me. Here’s a taste of how Teresa would have helped me with my baby — as well as how she can assist you with yours:

  • Honor your baby’s schedule, as well as any other requests you have for your baby’s care
  • Support however you choose to feed your baby–by cleaning bottles and breast pump parts, as well as offering breastfeeding pillows, cold storage for breastmilk, and more
  • Recommend possible changes in formula to discuss with your pediatrician, if your baby is having digestive problems
  • Advise on when to transition your baby to solids, as well as the steps to take to make this exciting milestone a success
  • Suggest how to alter your nighttime routine, if your baby is having trouble sleeping, so the whole family can rest better
  • Teach you best practices for burping your baby, to help prevent tummy aches and projectile vomiting, as well as help your baby sleep better
  • Show you ways to support your baby during tummy time to make the experience enjoyable instead of frustrating (for you both)
  • Identify any kind of diaper rash and cradle cap and offer suggestions for how to treat it at home, as well as when to call the pediatrician

As you can see, if you join the Day Program, the baby care you will receive from TMC’s nursery is so much more than daycare. Babies are under the watchful eye of Teresa, as well as several closely supervised, background-checked volunteers who are all certified in infant and toddler CPR. (These volunteers are mostly college students in social work, psychology, or medicine.) There are all sorts of developmentally appropriate toys and activities for your baby to enjoy, and the staff will play with your baby, as well as feed them and soothe them to sleep (per your preferences). Additionally, Teresa offers one-on-one sessions after-hours with parents to further explore any issues they’re having with their babies, as well as offer possible resolutions.

Something else I admire about Teresa: She deeply cares about every baby – and parent – who walks into the nursery. This isn’t just a job for her. She lovingly ensures the nursery is always spotless and perfectly reset at the end of the day so we’re ready to go the moment the babies arrive in the morning. She frequently urges moms to go eat something and relax after they leave their baby with us, reminding them how important it is to take care of themselves. In fact, the nursery is such an inviting space, that I’ve had moms confess that it’s their favorite place in TMC. It’s mine too. Teresa has created a happy, nurturing hub where moms/birthing people can heal and the whole family thrives.

If you or someone you love is struggling with a PMAD, we hope you’ll consider joining us soon.

The Motherhood Center of New York: With treatment, everyone can feel better. You are not alone.
Complete a new patient form to learn more about our treatment services. P: (212) 335-0034

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